About the application
The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, in cooperation with the Slovak Environment Agency and the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, has launched the web application dnesdycham.sk with the aim of raising public awareness in the field of air quality in Slovakia.
The air quality application is developed within the LIFE IP SK – Air Quality Improvement project, which is focused on the implementation of specific air quality improvement measures and also supports educational, communication and monitoring activities of involved partners with regard to the air quality and air protection and effective management through the creation of a national network of Air Quality Managers.
The objective of the application is to inform the general public about:
- current air quality in Slovakia,
- impact of air pollution on human health and ecosystems
- the possible occurrence and termination of an extraordinary air quality deterioration including associated measures and restrictions
- air quality improvement measures that are under preparation - being implemented - already implemented and opportunities for public involvement in the process of preparation of air quality improvement measures
The aim is to increase the support of the public interest in achieving good air quality as well as involve the public in the air quality management and the process of developing Air Quality Management Plans, including the implementation and monitoring of measures set out within the Air Quality Management Plans.
The content of the main page of the application consists of:
- News
- Health and the Environment
- Air Pollution
- Contact
The content of subpages for individual zones and agglomerations, which can be clicked on from the main map on the home page consists of:
- Air Quality
- Smog Conditions
- Measures
- General Information
The main part of the application is the one dedicated to the current state of air quality, measured within the monitoring stations of the National Air Quality Monitoring Network. Information about the current state of air quality in the regions is available by pointing at the map. The data are interpreted to the general public through the air quality index. The purpose of the index is to inform the general public about the state of the air quality in a complex and comprehensible way using a color and word scale.
The visitor will be informed about individual air pollutants and will learn more about the sources of pollution and also about the impact of polluted air on human health and ecosystems and on the environment as such at the same time. The extended application level provides detailed information on the measured pollutant concentrations through daily and annual averages. It also includes information on planned and implemented air quality improvement measures and opportunities for public involvement in the process of preparation of these measures.
The purpose of the application is to increase the support of the public interest in achieving good air quality. Suggestions from the regions can be addressed to the published contacts of Air Quality Managers.
The dnesdycham.sk application is in a trial version at the moment. The National air quality monitoring network is currently being expanded with new monitoring stations, which will be gradually added to the application.
Content administrator:
Slovak Environment Agency
Tajovského 28
975 90 Banská Bystrica
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
Correspondence: Námestie Ľ. Štúra 1, 812 35 Bratislava
Workplace: Šafárikovo nám. 4, 811 02 Bratislava
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Jeséniova 17
833 15 Bratislava
Technical operator:
Slovak Environment Agency
Tajovského 28
975 90 Banská Bystrica
www.populair.sk | www.populair.sk/en | www.dnesdycham.sk
E-mail: info@populair.sk | dnesdycham@populair.sk
Launch of the webpage: 20.10.2021
Latest update: 31.03.2025